
Christmas Treat Boxes!!

OMG! You are going to say..'these are sooo cute'!! The challenge this week at The Cutting Cafe was to use any Christmas treat boxes. There are quite a few to choose from.. how can one choose JUST ONE? So I made three (lol)! First up is the SNOWMAN. I also have a video on how to make this one. (uploading soon to a youtube near you):

I also did a PRESENT TREAT BOX..So CUTE!! Here is what I did with that:

Next up is my favorite...the PEPPERMINT treat box!! Totally cute!!

I loved how Regina did hers - an had to leave it that way.. SO CUTE!!
Anywhoo, you guys should check out the treat boxes and give someone special a little present. Im sure they'll love the thought behind it!

Happy Scrappin'!!




  1. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo lalalala they came out super duper cute...

  2. I wish I can me one like them. I am glad to see your blog.
